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Automatic straightening hair FASHION VENDING STYLER

Рейтинг: 5/5

Newtech launched a new generation of machines for women, Automatic straightening hair Fashion Vending (FASHION VENDING)!

32500 RUB
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Probably every woman faced with the same problem - at the moment, rain, snow, wind whip their hair, which cost them a considerable time of preparation before the mirror in something, it is not similar to what they sought. In addition to the empty time, the girl also loses confidence in the integrity of its appearance! Not really, and this important point the woman needs to depend on the whims of the weather, how to make it so that anywhere she looked, like she wants?! Now you can!

Newtech presents to Your attention a new type of vending machines for hair straightening!

This brand new and promising business with a lack of competition. This machine is already popular in many countries of Europe and America! Now You have the chance!

You have a real opportunity to occupy a new niche in the young but promising segment of the market. This business has already proven its appeal! Installed in thousands of institutions in Europe, Australia and America, and dozens of people have already earned on this capital! Now came the turn of Russia!

Our machine is the embodiment of vending for beauty. The seemingly simple but need a machine. At the right moment will give the girl confidence, and will bring You guaranteed income!

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Dimensions: 300mm*200mm*140mm

Weight: 5 kg

Voltage: 220 V

Consumption: 190Вт in operation, 10W in standby mode

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