+7 905-177-15-15
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Newtech is one of the leaders in a booming market of vending machines, software for payment systems and terminals. The company operates since 2004. 

We invite for collaboration companies specializing in the sales of vending equipment,as well as companies specializing in software development. 

We are open for joint solution of various issues concerning innovative technologies and the implementation of specific solutions.

Want to be a dealer?

I would Like to note that this product is absolutely not developed in Russia and the CIS segment of the entertainment market.

If You have interest and you feel the strength and desire to develop this is certainly interesting and promising market - will be glad to cooperate. Details all of the conditions described in the contract, which we are going to conclude, if you wish to become our representatives. As a future dealer You should know the following:

To contact us you can always write a letter or call by phone: +7-905-177-15-15
Organization and delivery of products to the Dealer we undertake;
The cost of The machine and services for the end user, the dealer sets itself.
Payment of products is carried out in a partial prepayment;
If necessary, training is provided for representatives of dealers;
We are ready to provide legal and technical advice in the course of work.

Interested - then just inform how and when You should contact to discuss the details of cooperation. 


ИП Постнов Виктор Иванович
+7 (391) 285-69-98
+7 (983) 151-45-01
Юридический адрес: г. Красноярск ул Попова дом 6 кВ . 35
Фактический адрес: г.Красноярск,  ул. Батурина 40




Мамыров Мирлан Кыдырович
Фактический адрес: г.Бишкек,пер.Елецкий 101/1



ООО "Ай Ди Консалтинг"
+7 (495) 665-5165 (доб.717)
+7 (929) 961-5971
Адрес: 123242, Москва, Малый Конюшковский пер., д.2

ИП Рыгалина Татьяна Тамазиевна

Юридический адрес:672000,ЗАБАЙКАЛЬСКИЙ КРАЙ, Г ЧИТА, УЛБАБУШКИНА, дом 123Б, кв. ОБЩ



ООО «ВАВИ мебель»
Республика Беларусь, Минский р-н, д. Боровая 1
+375 (29) 342 70 27
+375 (29) 885 92 94

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